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Discover how Web3 and decentralization can impact
your business

A distributed ecosystem

Web3 is a distributed ecosystem approach to digital, and its underlying technologies are here to stay. As businesses continue to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape, Web3 is becoming an important category of technology to invest in. With impressive proof points, such as the growing number of decentralized apps and significant venture capital activity, Web3 offers new opportunities for businesses to create a fairer, smarter, and more savvy digital universe.


At the heart of Web3 is decentralization, which aims to distribute ownership among its builders and users. This means that large sections of the internet will no longer be owned and controlled by centralized entities. Instead, ownership is distributed among its builders and users.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Web3 can impact your business, explore our resources and discover how you can stay ahead of the curve. From blockchain to cryptocurrency, we’ll help you navigate the complex world of Web3 and make informed decisions about your digital strategy.

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virtual worlds based on decentralization

Much speculation and investment has been made into virtual worlds based on virtual or mixed reality, many based on decentralized concepts. Many of the most valuable internal business use cases (team collaboration, onboarding, learning and development), as well as external use cases (shopping, marketplaces, customer experience), can be realized using a metaverse construct. Metaverses can range from just virtual worlds that have been around for years to more advanced and Web3-like services like Decentraland or Voxels.

Web3 Apps

decentralized user experiences

Naturally, out of the lower elements of the Web3 stack, useful applications can be built, which for enterprises will include internal business apps that operate on decentralized data, customer-facing apps that engage in transactions or provide data services, and decentralized ERP and CRM systems, which are just beginning to emerge, such as Energy Ledger for industry-specific supply chains.
Creator Economy for Web3. One of the more vibrant areas of Web3 is in enabling the co-creation and trading of media and other digital assets, including art, music, and NFTs. Many companies are in this business or have assets they can utilize here, especially in merchandise, prediction markets, business media, design, and open data.


Decentralized Autonomous Organizations
as code + tokens

Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). The concept of a DAO is embodied in a smart contract, with the rules posted for all to see. Tokens are issued, and stakeholders have a well-defined decision-making process. Essentially a new type of digital corporation, DAOs can be used in an enterprise context for everything from open innovation and investment to IP-based professional services or industry-scale consortiums.


The concept of Co-Economy revolves around the principles of collaboration, co-creation, and co-ownership. In this model, individuals or organizations work together to create value, share resources, and jointly own the outcomes of their collaboration. Co-Economy is based on the idea that by working together, individuals can achieve greater outcomes than they would be able to achieve on their own. By co-creating and co-owning resources, they can benefit from shared expertise, resources, and innovation. This approach is gaining traction in many industries and has the potential to transform the way we think about ownership and collaboration.

Crypto and Digital Assets

virtual worlds based on decentralization

Crypto and Digital Assets. Businesses are about monetization, and cryptocurrencies offer a dizzying array of opportunities, including turning loyalty programs into digital currencies, issuing tokens for corporate social responsibility, creating asset and commodity-backed currencies, and much more. Accepting cryptocurrency as payment is one of the less strategic but increasingly useful paths for adoption as well.

Blockchain, DLT

autonome organizations
as code + tokens

Blockchain and Distributed Ledger (DLT). For years, industries have been abuzz about using blockchain for supply chain tracking, detecting counterfeits, storing data, fighting cybersecurity threats, and much more. All of these use cases are now maturing, and some effective industry-specific blockchain consortiums have emerged as well.


human activity based on decentralized concepts

Some decentralized approaches are remaking human activity and industries at a fundamental level. Probably decentralized science or DeSci is among the leading areas of research and development. Other areas include decentralized work, government, and of course, finance, which has become the largest of all. These focus areas deserve their own call out, in my view, because they are intentional Web3 transformation of entire industries, and not just organizations.